standard lesson 1: Making the cat move the way you want!
Finding the right answer through trial and error. This lesson aims to help students understand that having knowledge of addition and subtraction makes it easier to find the correct answer.
standard lesson 2: Learning When to Erase a Character!

This lesson teaches the timing to run the Hide block, how to use the Say block.
standard lesson 3: A Game in Which a Cat Catches an Apple!

This lesson teaches how to use the Start on Tap block and the Start on Touch block.
standard lesson 4: A Game in Which a Frog Jumps to Get a Star in Space!

This lesson teaches how to use the Play Recorded Sound block in a practical application.
standard lesson 5: A Racing Game between a Cyclist and a Driver!

This lesson teaches how to use the Wait block, Set Speed block, and the Repeat block.
standard lesson 6: Going on a Trip by Bus!

This lesson teaches how to use the Go to Page block.
standard lesson 7: Let’s Draw a Smiley Face!

This lesson teaches how to use the Shape tool, Line Width tool, and Camera tool.
standard lesson 8: Let’s Create an “ABC” Picture Book!

This lesson teaches how to create an ‘ABC’ picture book in which tapping a character displays a page with characters whose names contain the corresponding English alphabet letter.
standard lesson 9: Let’s Create a Fortune Game!

Learn how to create a fortune-telling game in which tapping on one of the three apples displays your fortune for the day.
standard lesson 10: Let’s make a rocket launch game with a controller!

This lesson teaches how to create a game in which you tap a controller character to move the rocket left and right. If the rocket hits the sun, it’s game over. If it doesn’t, you clear the game.
standard lesson 11: Shooting Game with a Soccer Ball!

This lesson teaches to create a game in which you tap the cat at the right time, then tap the moving soccer ball. If you manage to shoot the ball into the moving goal net, you clear the game. If you miss the net, it’s game over.
standard lesson 12: Let’s Create a Dodging Game with a Jump Button!

This lesson teaches how to create a game where you tap the Earth-shaped jump button to make the cat jump and dodge flying rockets.
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