Enabling even beginners to teach programming: 未経験者でもプログラミングの指導が出来る!

36 lessons, 15 test questions, 36 teacher’s guide : 36レッスン、15組のテスト問題、教師用ガイド!


This is a programming curriculum with 36 lessons, 15 test questions, and a teacher’s guide, designed to reduce teacher workload. It’s based on the KIDSPRO Junior course, making it suitable for young children to learn effectively.
You can learn how to create retro games, digital picture books, and more using ScratchJr. It’s a way to learn the basics of programming and express your own abilities through programming. Additionally, it’s priced at a user-friendly rate of 5,000 yen per month per classroom.

What can you learn from eJr Programming?

In lessons 1-7
You can learn the basics of programming, such as events, control structures (loops), conditional branching, messaging, sequential processing, and parallel processing.

In lessons 8-12
You will learn how to create digital picture books, fortune-telling games, soccer games, whack-a-mole games, shooting games, maze games, and more, and to express your own ideas through programming.

Recommended Points of eJr Programming

  • There are a total of 36 lessons (1200 minutes), 15 test questions with explanations (120 questions), and 36 teacher’s guides.
  • This is a programming curriculum designed for preschool to lower elementary school students.
  • We have implemented a mechanism to significantly reduce the teacher’s workload.

  • We created lesson videos that even young children can concentrate on and learn without getting bored.
  • In fact, the preschoolers at KIDSPRO are really focused on learning.
  • We recommend projecting the lesson videos on a TV monitor or projector for the best learning experience.

  • We set the price at an affordable 5,000 yen per month (tax included) per classroom.
  • You can share one account with everyone.
  • You can also add additional accounts for just 500 yen each (tax included).

Learning scene of eJr Programming

This is a movie of the learning environment in the KIDSPRO Junior Course. Even preschoolers enjoy programming while attentively watching the lesson videos.

eJr Programming Curriculum

Click here for the detailed curriculum

1. Motion Blocks

e1 Let’s Make the Cat Dance! The aim of this lesson is to understand the fun of programming by combining motion blocks. Lesson Video 20:37

s1 Making the Cat Move the Way You Want!  Finding the right answer through trial and error. This lesson aims to help students understand that having knowledge of addition and subtraction makes it easier to find the correct answer. Lesson Video 27:54

a1 Moving the Bat As If It’s Flying! This lesson is aimed at understanding the difference between serial and parallel processing of two scripts. Lesson Video 24:21

2. Looks Blocks

e2 Making a Star in Space Blink! This lesson teaches you how to use the Hide block, Show block, Shrink block, Grow block’ of the appearance blocks, and the Repeat block. Lesson Video 22:23

s2 Learning When to Delete a Character! This lesson teaches the timing to run the Hide block, how to use the Say block. Lesson Video 27:26

a2 An Alien on a Rocket Goes to Space! This lesson teaches you how to use the Hide block, Shrink block, Say block in parallel processing. Lesson Video 32:56

3. Triggering Blocks

e3 Deleting an Escaping Snake by Tapping It! This lesson teaches how to use the Start on Tap block from the triggering blocks. Lesson Video 22:07
s3 A Game in Which the Cat Catches an Apple! This lesson teaches how to use the Start on Tap block and the Start on Touch block. Lesson Video 31:24
a3 Let’s Go for a Night Cruise on Ship! This lesson teaches how to use the Send Message block and Start on Message block. Lesson Video 37:26

4. Sound Blocks

e4 Tap the Zebra and It Says “Neigh!” This lesson teaches how to use the Pop block and the Play Recorded Sound block from the sound blocks. Lesson Video 25:38
s4 A Game in Which a Frog Jumps to Get a Star in Space! This lesson teaches how to use the Play Recorded Sound block in a practical application. Lesson Video 24:13 
a4 Let’s Create an Animation with Talking Characters! This lesson teaches how to use the Play Recorded Sound block and the Message block to make characters talk in order. Lesson Video 34:39

5. Control Blocks

e5 A Polar Bear and a Penguin Play Tag! This lesson teaches how to use the Wait block and the Repeat block from the control blocks. Lesson Video 28:29 
s5 A Racing Game Between a Cyclist and a Driver! This lesson teaches how to use the Wait block, Set Speed block, and the Repeat block. Lesson Video 34:09
a5 Let’s Create a Basketball Game! This lesson teaches how to use the Stop block and the Message block to make the cat dribble the basketball and shoot when the cat is tapped. Lesson Video 31:29

6. End Blocks

e6 The Sea in the Daytime, Evening, and Night! This lesson teaches how to use the Go to Page block from the End blocks. Lesson Video 25:44
s6 Going on a Trip by Bus!  This lesson teaches how to use the Go to Page block. Lesson Video 30:13
a6 Let’s Create a Picture Book with Moving Vehicles! This lesson teaches how to use the Go to Page block to create a picture book in which, when you tap on a vehicle character, a page with a description of that vehicle is displayed. Lesson Video 40:33

7. Paint Editor

e7 Let’s Change the Colors of Characters and Backgrounds! This lesson teaches how to use the Color tool and Fill tool of the Paint Editor. Lesson Video xx:xx
s7 Let’s Draw a Smiley Face! This lesson teaches how to use the Shape tool, Line Width tool, and Camera tool. Lesson Video xx:xx
a7 Let’s Draw a Turtle Character! This lesson teaches how to use the Drag tool, Rotate tool, and Duplicate tool to draw your own original turtle. Lesson Video xx:xx

8. Digital Picture Books

e8 Let’s Create a Picture Book with Moving Pictures! This lesson teaches how to create a digital picture book in which characters start moving or making sounds when tapped. Lesson Video xx:xx
s8 Let’s Create an “ABC” Picture Book! This lesson teaches how to create an ‘ABC’ picture book in which tapping a character displays a page with characters whose names contain the corresponding English alphabet letter. Lesson Video xx:xx
a8 Let’s Create an Interactive Picture Book! This lesson teaches how to create an interactive picture book in which tapping the rabbit starts a story from the rabbit’s perspective, and tapping the turtle starts a story from the turtle’s perspective. Lesson Video xx:xx

9. Tap-based Games

e9 Let’s Create a Spot-the-Mistake Game! This lesson teaches how to create a Spot the Difference game that utilizes the tapping mechanics. Lesson Video xx:xx
s9 Let’s Create a Fortune Game! This lesson teaches how to create a fortune-telling game in which tapping on one of the three apples displays your fortune for the day. Lesson Video xx:xx
a9 Let’s Create a Whack-A-Mole Game! This lesson teaches how to create a Whack-A-Mole game that includes a game-over function. Lesson Video xx:xx

10. Rocket Games

e10 Let’s Create a Rocket Launch Game to Avoid Meteorites! This lesson teaches how to create a rocket launch game with a game clear and game over function in which the player dodges meteorites. Lesson Video xx:xx
s10 Let’s Make a Rocket Launch Game with a Controller! This lesson teaches how to create a game in which you tap a character controller to move the rocket left and right. If the rocket hits the sun, it’s game over. If it doesn’t, you clear the game. Lesson Video xx:xx
a10 Let’s Create a Shooting Game! This lesson teaches how to create a shooting game in which you tap the earth button to launch a rocket and defeat invading monsters. Lesson Video xx:xx

11. Soccer Games

e11 Shoot the Soccer Ball! This lesson teaches how to make the cat kick a soccer ball into the goal. Lesson Video xx:xx
s11 Shooting Game with a Soccer Ball! This lesson teaches how to create a game where you tap the cat with perfect timing, then tap the moving soccer ball. If you manage to shoot the ball into the moving goal net, you clear the game. If you miss the goal net, it’s game over. Lesson Video xx:xx
a11 Soccer PK Game! This lesson teaches how to create a soccer penalty shootout game in which you tap and move the cat to kick the soccer ball and attempt to shoot past the goalkeeper within a time limit. Lesson Video xx:xx

12. Retro Games

e12 Let’s Create a Dodging Game! This lesson teaches how to create a game with a game-clear and game over function in which you make the cat jump to dodge cars. Lesson Video xx:xx
s12 Let’s Create a Dodging Game with a Jump Button! This lesson teaches how to create a game in which you tap the Earth-shaped jump button to make the cat jump and dodge flying rockets. Lesson Video xx:xx
a12 Let’s Create a Maze Game! This lesson teaches how to create a maze game in which you control the cat with a controller and aim to reach the goal within a time limit. If you reach the goal within the time, the game is cleared. Lesson Video xx:xx

Process for Getting Started (Immediate Access)

Choose 30 or 365 days
Access the eJr Programming Store website and choose a usage period of 30 days or 365 days.
Create an account
Click the ‘Create Account’ button and enter your name, email address, and a password (at least 8 characters with letters and numbers).
Complete account registration
An email with the subject “eProgramming: Your temporary registration is complete” will be sent to the email address you entered in STEP.2. Click on the link in the email to complete the registration.
Complete purchase
Click on the ‘Cart’ button, choose your payment method (credit card or bank transfer), and complete the purchase.
Start using
eJr programming will be available for use immediately after purchase for credit card payments, and after payment confirmation for bank transfers.
Prepare your tablet
Prepare your iPad or Android tablet (we recommend a tablet with iOS 9 or Android OS 5 or above) and proceed with the installation of ScratchJr and Google Drive.
Start Programming
Enjoy programming while watching the lesson videos.

After finishing the lessons, try doing the ‘test questions‘ and presentations. The method for doing the lessons and test questions is detailed in the ‘Teacher’s Guide‘, so please use it as a reference.

Learning Programming with ScratchJr

ScratchJr is a programming language for young children, derived from Scratch, with over 100 million users worldwide.

This language was jointly developed by the DevTech Research Group at Tufts University and the Scratch Foundation, with the aim of fostering children’s cognitive, emotional, and social development.[/span]

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.